In response to inquiries by residents, we have been in communications with Reliant Parking to investigate the issues with (i.e. a multiple night guest pass). Reliant Parking has advised that at this time, residents can order a consecutive overnight guest passvia the Reliant Parking App only. Currently, the Reliant Parking website does not have the capabilities to order a consecutive overnight guest pass. Reliant Parking is in the process of updating their website to allow this feature and will contact our community once available.
In the interim, if you would like to order a consecutive overnight guest pass, please do so utilizing the Reliant Parking App. We have created a step-by-step instructional video to assist you in ordering this type of permit via the Reliant Parking App. The video has been added to our website and can be accessed anytime at your convenience. Please find below the link: Reliant Permit - App.mp4 (